Erick Saavedra Flores

Head of Civil Constructor of the Civil Engineering Department
PhD in Civil Engineering
Computational Mechanics for Solids and Structures
Currently, I am Director of the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Santiago, Chile.
Between July 2011 and February 2013, I held a position of Post-doctoral Research Officer in the College of Engineering of Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom.
My investigation was part of a project funded by the European Research Council entitled Optimisation of Multi-scale Structures with Applications to Morphing Aircraft, led by Professor Michael I. Friswell. Before taking up this position, I was a Research Assistant between June 2010 and June 2011.
In 2012, I received a Postdoctoral Fellowship granted by the Chilean government (National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research – CONICYT) to continue my postdoctoral program in the United Kingdom, from September 2012 to March 2013.
My PhD was carried out in the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering, at Swansea University, Wales, in the field of computational mechanics of solids and structures, under the supervision of Professor E.A. de Souza Neto.
I have published extensively in peer-reviewed journals. My research interests are multi-scale finite element methods in non-linear solids mechanics, computational plasticity and constitutive modelling of materials at small and large strains. I have given special attention to the modelling of wood materials and structures.
I am also very interested in establishing collaboration with enthusiastic researchers. Please feel free to contact me should you are interested!!!
Postdoctoral Fellowship (Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom)
PhD in Civil Engineering (Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom)
Civil Engineering (Universidad de Santiago, Chile)
- Timber materials and structures
- Multi-scale computational mechanics
- Non-linear solid mechanics
- Composite materials and structures
- Plasticity for small and large strains
- Finite elements in structural engineering
- Nanomechanics
Click here for a full list of my journal and conference papers and citation metrics.
These are some of my selected papers:
- Chandra, Y., Adhikari, S., Saavedra Flores, E.I. and Figiel, L., «Advances in finite element modelling of graphene and associated nanostructures». Materials Science & Engineering – R: Reports, 140 2020, 100544.
Pina, J.C., Saavedra Flores, E.I. and Saavedra, K., “Numerical study on the elastic buckling of cross-laminated timber walls subject to compression”. Construction and Building Materials, 199 2019, pp. 82-91.
Saavedra Flores, E.I., Saavedra, K., Hinojosa, J., Chandra, Y. and Das, R., “Multi-scale modelling of rolling shear failure in cross-laminated timber structures by homogenisation and cohesive zone models”. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 81 2016, pp. 219–232.
Dayyani, I., Friswell, M.I. and Saavedra Flores, E.I., “A general super element for a curved beam”. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51(17) 2014, pp. 2931–2939.
Saavedra Flores, E.I. and Friswell, M.I., “Ultrastructural mechanisms of deformation and failure in wood under tension”. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50(13) 2013, pp. 2050-2060.
Saavedra Flores, E.I. and Friswell, M.I., “Multi-scale finite element model for a new material inspired by the mechanics and structure of wood cell-walls”. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 60(7) 2012, pp. 1296-1309.
Xia, Y., Friswell, M.I. and Saavedra Flores, E.I., “Equivalent models of corrugated panels”. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49(13) 2012, pp. 1453-1462.
- Seismic Collapse Assessment of Cross-Laminated Timber Buildings by Multi-scale Modelling Techniques. FONDECYT REGULAR 1211767 (2021-2025). Grant value: 285.000 USD, approximately. Role: Principal Investigator
- Construcción Acelerada de Pavimentos de Hormigón de Alta Durabilidad para Minería Subterránea. Proyecto prototipo de innovación – CORFO (2019). Role: Expert consultant
- Modelo multi-escala para estudio del creep en madera. DICYT REGULAR USACH 051818P (2018-2020). Role: Co-Investigator
- Fortalecimiento de la investigación e innovación en ingeniería mediante la adquisición de una mesa vibradora para el estudio del comportamiento sísmico y vibraciones de estructuras de gran escala. FORTALECIMIENTO Y CREACIÓN DE CAPACIDADES TECNOLOGICAS HABILITANTES PARA LA INNOVACION Y EMPRENDIMIENTO – USACH (2016). Grant value: 28.000 USD, approximately. Role: Director
- Fortalecimiento de la investigación en ingeniería a través de la adquisición de una mesa vibradora para el estudio del comportamiento sísmico y vibraciones de estructuras de gran escala. FONDEQUIP EQM160124 (2016-2018). Grant value: 315.000 USD, approximately. Role: Director
- Advanced Modelling of Ductility and Damage in Mass Timber Structures by Computational Homogenisation. FONDECYT REGULAR 1160691 (2016-2020). Grant value: 285.000 USD, approximately. Role: Principal Investigator
- Ingeniería sismorresistente para diseño estructural de edificios de mediana altura en madera contralaminada de pino radiata crecido en Chile. INNOVA CORFO 15BPE-47270 (2016-2017). Grant value: 285.000 USD, approximately. Role: Deputy Director
- Utilización de la Modelación en Elementos Finitos para la Caracterización Mecánica del Conector de Corte Usado en Sistemas Compuestos de Hormigón y Vigas de Acero Reticuladas. DICYT REGULAR USACH 051618YC (2015-2017). Role: Co-Investigator
- Percepción e impacto sobre la buena utilización de la madera en la vivienda social. DICYT OPINION PUBLICA USACH (2015-2016). Role: Co-Investigator
- Multi-scale Computational Mechanics for the Description of Wood Materials and Timber Structures. FONDECYT REGULAR 1140245 (2014-2016). Grant value: 120.000 USD, approximately. Role: Principal Investigator
- Estudios de Ingeniería para Introducir en Chile un Sistema de Rápida Ejecución para Edificios de Mediana Altura, utilizando Elementos de Madera Contralaminada. INNOVA CORFO 12BPC2-13553 (2013-2014). Grant value: 240.000 USD, approximately. Role: Deputy Director
- Optimisation of Multi-scale Structures with Applications to Morphing Aircraft. EUROPEAN RESEARCH COUNCIL – ERC (2010-2015). Grant value: €2.500.000. Roles: Post-doctoral Research Officer (2011-2013), PhD Research Assistant (2010-2011)
- Proposición de un Modelo Numérico-Experimental para la Predicción del Comportamiento Estructural de Conexiones en Madera Laminada con Pernos y Barras de Acero Mediante el Método de Elementos Finitos. DICYT – USACH (2006-2007). Role: Principal Investigator
- Investigación del Comportamiento Micro-Mecánico de Fractura Frágil-Dúctil en Acero Estructural Chileno y Soldadura. FONDECYT REGULAR (2000-2002). Role: Research Assistant
- Aplicación del Método de Aproximación Local de la Fractura al Estudio de Acero Estructural A37-24ES y Soldadura. DICYT – USACH (1999). Role: Research Assistant
Editorial board member of the following journal:
- Applied Mathematical Modelling (2016 to present).
Member of the Group of Studies in Engineering 1 – ANID (2021 to date), CONICYT (2014-2017). The main duty is to assist technically the High Councils to select:
Ad Hoc Committee member of the International Cooperation Programme (PCI) – ANID (2016-2021). The main duty is to assist ANID in the selection of the following projects:
- PCI REDES 2016-2017, 2019-2021. Cooperation programme to promote international scientific networks
- PCI CONICYT-FAPESP (2019). Scientific cooperation programme between Chile and Brazil
- PCI STINT-CONICYT (2018). Scientific cooperation programme between Chile and Sweden
- PCI ECOS-CONICYT (2018). Scientific cooperation programme between Chile and France
Reviewer for the following refereed journals:
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (WoS)
- International Journal of Solids and Structures (WoS)
- Engineering Structures (WoS)
- Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures (WoS)
- Applied Mathematical Modelling (WoS)
- Journal of Aerospace Engineering (WoS)
- Composite Structures (WoS)
- Computational Materials Science (WoS)
- Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (WoS)
- BioResources
- Polymers (WoS)
- PLOS One (WoS)
- Acta Mechanica (WoS)
- Computers and Structures (WoS).
- Engineering Fracture Mechanics (WoS).
- Associate Professor and Director (Current position) – Civil Engineering Department, University of Santiago, Chile
- Deputy Director (From May 2014 to June 2018) – Civil Engineering Department, University of Santiago, Chile
- Post-doctoral Research Officer (From July 2011 to February 2013) – Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom
- Research Assistant (From June 2010 to June 2011) – Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom
- Senior Structural Engineer (Part-time) – Black & Veatch, United Kingdom
- Teaching Assistant (September 2007 – July 2009) – Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom
- Structural Engineer (January 2004 – August 2005) – Minmetal (Currently SKM – Minmetal)
- Structural Engineer (March 2003 – December 2003) – Arce, Reciné y Asociados
- Lecturer (March 2003 – December 2003) – Department of Construction, Inacap
- Structural Engineer (October 2002 – February 2003) – K.L Ingeniería y Construcción ltd.
- Lecturer (March 2002 – December 2002) – Universidad Mayor
- Cost Control Engineer (December 2001 – September 2002) – Promet Servicios S.A.
- Siva Avudaiappan, PhD (Anna University, India). Postdoctoral Researcher in the Civil Engineering Department, University of Santiago, Chile (2019 to present).
- Carlos Felipe Guzmán, PhD (University of Liège, Belgium). Postdoctoral Researcher in the Civil Engineering Department, University of Santiago, Chile (2016 to 2018).
- Evelyn Díaz Meriño, PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Santiago, Chile (2015 to present). PhD thesis: Análisis dinámico de un sistema estructural compuesto madera-acero usando un modelo mediante elementos finitos.
- Christian Droguett Águila, PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Santiago, Chile (2015 to present). PhD thesis: Simulación computacional del proceso de falla de sistemas de anclaje embebidos en hormigón mediante el método SPH.
- Ariel Díaz Matus, PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Santiago, Chile (2015 to 2018). PhD thesis: Modelacion multi-escala para la conductividad térmica de la madera contra-laminada.
- Roberto Iquilio Abarzúa, PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Santiago, Chile (2014 to 2018). PhD thesis: Nuevo método experimental para determinar la deformación límite a través de la variación del espesor.
- Masoud Javadi, MSc student in Structural Engineering from the University of Santiago, Chile (2019 to 2021). MSc thesis: Investigation of the influence of design parameters on the strength of steel-concrete composite shear walls by finite element simulations.
- Rodrigo Tapia, MSc student in Structural Engineering from the University of Santiago, Chile (2019 to 2021). MSc thesis: Non-linear finite element model for cross-laminated timber building connections subjected to cyclic loads.
- Paulina Bravo Martínez, MSc student in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Santiago, Chile (2017 to 2018). MSc thesis: Modelacion multi-escala del creep en hormigón.
- Highlighted Article in Smart Materials and Structures (2014), “A review on shape memory alloys with applications to morphing aircraft”. Paper selected as one of the most popular articles among readers and referees, as well as the international press.
- Distinguished Lecturer (2012), from the Civil Engineering Department, University of Santiago.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012), granted by the Chilean government (National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research – CONICYT) to carry out a postdoctoral program in the United Kingdom, from September 2012 to March 2013.
- International Office Postgraduate Scholarship (2007), granted by Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom.
- Scientific Initiation Scholarship (1999), for future researchers. Program to form new researchers by inserting young talents in research projects, granted by the Vice-Rectory of Research and Development, University of Santiago, Chile. Sponsor Research project: “Aplicación del Método de Aproximación Local de la Fractura al Estudio de Acero Estructural A37-24ES y Soldadura”.