Sergio Yáñez Cart

Head of Civil Engineering in Civil of the Civil Engineering Department
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE / Research Assistant
Structural Engineering Teaching and Research Laboratory (SETRL), Villanova University (2010–15)
- Analytical investigation of the nonlinear behavior of shear stud connectors.
- Parametric study of Composite Steel Joist systems using experimental data for the shear stud connection behavior.
- Experimental study of the nonlinear behavior of the shear stud connector embedded in a concrete-steel joist system.
- Experimental study of deflection of wood I-joist beams under dead load conditions.
- Measure and analysis of results from tension and bending resistance tests of the stay-in-place concrete form for a private engineering company.
TEACHING EXPERIENCE / Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
- Villanova University (2010–15): CEE 8437 (Structural Steel), CEE 7412 (Modern Structural Analysis), CEE 4412 (Advance Structures), CEE 8434 (Structural Dynamics)
- Villanova University (2010–15): CEE 8437 (Structural Steel), CEE 8434 (Structural Dynamics), CEE 2105 (Mechanics I – Inverted Classroom)
Teaching Assistant
- University of Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile (2004–06): Materials in Engineering, Fundamentals of Structural Design
NovaCANE-Chile Director
- Universidad de Santiago de Chile (2015–to date): Middle and higher school students are visited by structural engineering students from the civil department at USACH to teach engineering related topics.
NovaCANE coordinator
- Villanova University (2010–2015): Sixth graders focus on structural engineering, Seventh grade projects are centered on environmental, water resources, and chemical and sustainable engineering, Eighth graders learn about electrical and mechanical engineering.
Engineers Without Borders (EWB), member
- Dominican Republic (2013): Construction of a convent serving Sisters in Cotui, Dominican Republic
I+D Professional
DRS INGENIERIA Y CONSTRUCCION (January 2009 – September 2009)
Project Manager
POCH S.A. (January 2008 – December 2008)
- Enrique García-Macías, Rafael Castro-Triguero, Erick I. Saavedra Flores, Sergio J. Yanez, Karen Hinrechsen, “An interactive computational strategy for teaching the analysis of silo structures in civil engineering”, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2018 (Accepted for publication).
- Eduardo Pérez Pulgar, Sergio Yáñez Cart, Paulina González Soto, Diego Valdivieso Cascante y Camila Burgos Leiva, “EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF WALL JOINTS IN CROSS LAMINATED TIMBER PANELS REQUESTED BY CYCLIC LOAD”, World Conference on Timber Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2018.
- Yanez, S. J., Dinehart, D. W., & Santhanam, S., “Composite steel joist analysis using experimental stiffness factor from push-out tests”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017, vol. 137, pags. 1 a 7.
- Carlos Felipe Guzmán, Erick I. Saavedra Flores, Juan Carlos Pina, Sergio Yáñez, “Finite element approach to simulation calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H)”, Recent Topics on Mechanics and Materials in Design, Portugal, 2017.
- Sergio J. Yanez, Juan Carlos Pina, Erick Saavedra-Flores, Carlos F. Guzmán, “NUMERICAL MODELING OF A NEW PUSH-OUT TEST USING NON-LINEAR BEHAVIOR OF CONCRETE”, Proceedings of the 1st Iberic Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Mechanics and Materials, 2017.
- Erick I. Saavedra Flores, Sergio J. Yanez, Carlos F. Guzmán, Enrique García-Macías, Juan Carlos Pina and Gerardo Araya-Letelier, “MULTI-SCALE STRUCTURAL MECHANICS FOR THE MODELLING OF CROSS-LAMINATED TIMBER BUILDINGS”, Proceedings of the 1st Iberic Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Mechanics and Materials, 2017.
- Yanez, Sergio J., González, Constanza A., Maldonado, Josefina, “SHEAR STUD ANCHOR BEHAVIOR USING FINITE ELEMENT MODELS”, Jornadas de Mecánica Computacional JMC2016, vol. 14, pags. 1 a 9.
- DICYT REGULAR, USACH, “Utilización de la Modelación en Elementos Finitos para la Caracterización Mecánica del Conector de Corte Usado en Sistemas Compuestos de Hormigón y Vigas de Acero Reticuladas”, Investigador Principal
- Proyecto de Innovación Docente PID 020-2017: “Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos como Estrategia para el Desarrollo de la Tesis de Pregrado en Ingeniería Civil”, Investigador Principal
- Proyecto de Docencia Vinculada, Fondo ViMe Usach, “NovaCANE-Chile”, Responsable Principal
- S. Yanez, “Innovación en el Entendimiento de la Ingeniería Civil”, XIX Congreso de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil, Valdivia, Chile, Charla Magistral, 2016.
- Sergio J. Yáñez, Josefina Maldonado y Constanza A. González, “Comportamiento de pernos conectores de corte utilizando modelos en elementos finitos”, JMC2016 Jornadas de Mecánica Computacional, Arica, Chile, 2016.
- S. Yanez, “Modelo Matemático para la modelación mecánica del conector de corte utilizado en losas colaborantes”, XXII Semana de Conferencias del Departamento de Ingeniería en Obras Civiles. Santiago 2015.
- S. Yanez, “2007 SJI Standard Specification and 2011 Steel Construction Manual”, March 2013.
- S. Yanez, “Analytical and Experimental Characterization of Composite Steel Joist System”, SETRL Villanova University, March 2013.
- S. Yanez, “Composite Construction”, SETRL Villanova University, October 2011.
- S. Yanez, “Composite Steel Joist”, SETRL Villanova University, December 2011.